Nov 30, 2007


Bob?, originally uploaded by Afulki.

This guy spotted me with the camera and wanted me to make his friend famous, his friend was shy, this gentleman was anything but. You got to love new yorkers.

Nov 29, 2007

2008 - Calendar of Morocco

This is a 12 month calendar featuring images from a recent trip to Morocco. Cities include Casablanca, Marrakesh and Essaouria.

Visions of Morocco - 2008


Skyline, originally uploaded by Afulki.

This was taken during a walk on the Queens side of the East River in NYC, the sun was getting low and making for interesting light.

Nov 28, 2007

New York Sunrise

New York Sunrise, originally uploaded by Afulki.

This one was taken just over a year ago (it feels much longer), its one of my personal favorites and the one I use as the backdrop of my business card. I was standing on the Manhattan side of the East River, outside the South Street Seaport.

Nov 27, 2007

Pepsi Cola

Sunday was a day of rest; rest being a relative term, as those of you with young children can testify, an energetic 3 year old allows little rest; so we went for a walk and of course the camera came too. Here is one of the pictures from the walk, with a little tweaking for interest.

Shakira and Eric - wedding at Top of the Rock

Though a small event, the wedding of Eric Edgington to Shakira Christopher was a high old time, literally. It was held on the observation deck at Top Of The Rock as the sun set.

Lighting was difficult in the extreme as the observation deck was surrounded by glass walls, using flash was mildly frustrating, but turned out well in the end.


Johnson Family Portraits

Johnson Family Portraits


Halloween in Sunnyside Gardens

October also brought Halloween to Sunnyside Gardens Park, a it was another beautiful if cold day and the costumes were out in force. Pirates and Jedi seemed to be the most popular, even some of the adults dressed up, some were even carrying light-sabers, I'm naming no names!

Oktoberfest and Pumpkin Festival

A public event was held in Sunnyside Gardens Park on October 13th 2007, which combined Oktoberfest and the pumpkin patch. There were games, stalls, arts, crafts, face painting and of course the pumpkin patch, where you could choose your own pumpkin then take it for painting. The adults were not left out, there was beer on tap and various food items to help soak up the beer.


Council Speaker Christine Quinn

Council Speaker Christine Quinn visited Sunnyside Gardens Park, Queens, NYC on October 7th 2007, to present the park with a check and discuss future of the park and future enhancements etc.

Wedding of Linda and Thomas

The wedding of Linda Jean Kelleher and Thomas Schirling on March 17th 2007 at Saint Matthias Church.

Nov 26, 2007

New Site

Welcome to the new look Afulki Photographs site. I decided to try a blog format for the events page so I can post samples of the event photos as thumbnails to wet your appetite and links directly to the gallery pages.

Of course you can also add comments and feedback.

Also, I will be adding a bunch of posts as quickly as possible to link to past events.

About Me

My photo
New York, NY, United States